In my early twenties, prompted by an early fascination for the physiology of human fertility, I focused my doctoral research around my rapidly evolving “birth nerd” identity. After completing the graduate-school grind with specializations in prenatal and perinatal psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, I marched into my first midwifery apprenticeship armed with an unshakable birth-rights militancy. Having previously earned a BA at the University of Michigan, I was provided with a platform to explore reproductive justice in the LGBTQ community. These combined backgrounds led me to become the founder of the LGBTQ Perinatal Wellness Associates of the Bay Area and Integrative Perinatal Somatic Therapies. For more than 18 years, I have offered preconception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early-parenting consultation and support for all family compositions, and particularly intentional solo parents.

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