
The Pathfinder Parent Center

The Pathfinder Parent Center helps families and schools understand the nature and needs of a child's condition, get information on how to parent children with special needs, work together to create individualized education programs, establish positive home/school communication, participate in educational decision-making processes, and support parents.

Family Voices of North Dakota

A health information and education center for families who have children with special health care needs: disability, chronic illness, physical or mental health conditions. Through this national network, Family Voices provides families tools to make informed decisions, advocates for improved public and private policies, builds partnerships among professionals and families, and serves as a trusted resource on health care.

Family Support Network of North Carolina (FSN-NC)

A division of the Family Support Program at UNC School of Social Work (, the FSN-NC promotes and provides support for families with children who have special needs by putting you in touch with other parents with similar experiences, providing a "listening ear,” helping you become a volunteer Support Parent and connecting you to resources in your community. All services are free and confidential.

North Carolina Families United

A family support and advocacy organization that links families to state and community partners for the purpose of improving the lives of children, youth, and families with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs.

Texas Parent to Parent

Provides peer support, resource, and referral information and advocacy.

Partners Resource Network (PRN)

Partners Resource Network (PRN) is a non-profit agency that operates the Texas statewide network of Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI). The PTI Projects are: PATH, PEN, and TEAM. The Texas PTIs provide training, education, information, referral, emotional support, and individual assistance in obtaining appropriate services.


UPLIFT works with youths ages 0 to 26 and their families with advocacy, care coordination, support, and training.

Parent Information Center (PIC),

Parent Information Center (PIC), is a statewide parent center for families of children with disabilities. We help families understand their child’s disability and support them in working as partners with schools and service providers to receive better education programs and services for their children.

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