
South Dakota Educational Directory

Online database of Public School Districts, Private Schools, Tribal Schools, cooperative schools, community support providers (tutors, etc.) and alternative learning schools

Nebraska Education Department

Database of K-12 resources, Nebraska colleges, financial aid information, and general parent information

Education Quest

College Planning for Middle School & High School students and adult learners; College Profiles; Financial Planning Calculators; Scholarship search; Blog; College application tracking tool

Carolina Parent Education Resource Directory

Directories of resources for school selection (boarding schools, charter schools, special needs, preschools etc.), tutoring and academic support and continuing education

Virginia Department of Education Directory

Directory of all public schools within the commonwealth including non-traditional options

I am the One

College and career planning; search for colleges, courses, financial resources

South Carolina Can Go To College (SCANGO)

College planning resources (beginning in elementary school), financial literacy, financial aid information including scholarship search function and resources on how to write a resume and college essay; resources are geared toward both students and parents

South Carolina Information Highway-College Financial Aid Directory

A directory of state financial aid programs as well as private resources for NC residents attending college (2 yr/4yr and professional). Includes links to all of the financial aid offices to schools located in SC.

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