

Online resource providing resources for activities for parents and children; Things to do; Places to go; Ideas by age, group (gifted, developmentally challenged etc). and by season; Directory of resources in state of RI

Way to Go RI

Career, high school, college planning and financial aid information for RI citizens; apply to colleges online; Voices Q&A section for students

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

College planning and funding opportunities for PA residents; planning for K-12, links to college fairs in PA and printable resources and guides on the college application process and financing

Oregon Department of Education

Information for student and parents on PreK-college education in Oregon; Resources to Help Me Learn section for students; Listing of school clubs & activities; Test preparation; Career planning; Post high school planning; Family involvement literature; School search; Special Needs information

Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion

Provides information and help for Oregon students to plan and pay for college, including both traditional and non-traditional students.

Oklahoma Parents as Teachers

Parent education program designed to foster an early partnership between home and school. The program is available for all expectant parents as well as parents with children birth to age three based on the philosophy that parents are their children’s first and most important teachers.

OK College Start!

College and career planning; middle school, high school, college and adult learner resrouces; financial aid, grants, scholarships and loan information

Ohio Means Jobs K-12

Online career exploration websit for students; career interest survey; activities about different career options for all ages; financial literacy tools; resume writing & career tips geared to first time job hunters

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