Angelica: Intuitive Painting for Meditation

Angelica: Intuitive Painting for Meditation

Mixed Media 5x5

I am NOT an least not officially. I do however love to create! Whether it's gardening, jewelry, recipes, or in this case painting, creative expression centers me. When life throws curve balls (as it often does), I find painting and beading to be meditative. The inspiration I experience in the creative process transcends the art room seeping into life's day-to-day.

The intuitive painting process is just like it sounds...use YOUR intuition. NO rules, NO right way or right art supplies. Any canvas will do; wood, paper, fabric, or even small cheese boxes. Your supplies can be inexpensive craft paint, feathers, shells, brushes, sponges etc.

Take deep breaths, light an incense, smudge or candle and listen to whatever music inspires you. Use your intuition to select paint colors, book pages, found objects, etc. and then just LET GO. I give myself a time limit, try not to over think the work and allow myself to come back to it for more sessions.

With "Angelica" I began with dots all over the page. Tossing the brushes to use my fingers, sponges and even bubble wrap for added texture. The words you see were torn from the first dictionary page I opened. Layer upon layer ...until I'm content that the piece is done. I'm done when looking at the piece calms my spirit like a deep breath.

NOTE: My artist friends would want me to say that painting with exposed skin is not a great idea.

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