Housing Basics for Solo Moms

Where to start if you are a newly Solo Mom

In recent years, the lack of affordable and accessible housing in the United States has been acute and well documented. An estimated 12 million renters and homeowners pay more than 50% of their income for housing. If you find yourself struggling to make your rent or mortgage, there are a few places you can turn to for help.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

There are many programs available to help you with renting. This site has links to subsidized housing, public housing, and the Housing Choice Voucher program. All programs are designed to get you and your family into housing that you can afford.

Homeless Shelter Directory

The Homeless Shelter Directory provides listings of homeless shelters and organizations with services for the homeless. It also offers links to other helpful sites.

The Affordable Housing Network

The Affordable Housing Network lists apartment and home rental deals for all renters (not just public housing). It is easily searchable by state or zip code, and the site is updated daily. The site publishes direct contact information, so you aren’t dealing with an agent or middleman. It also offers housing assistance, including rent assistance, foreclosure assistance, and assistance with down payments.

Rental Assistance

This website provides listings of rental assistance resources to help you with your long-term and immediate rental needs. The site list both nonprofit rental-assistance organizations and government programs.

You should also contact your state or local department of social services and explain your situation. Such departments often have programs that can assist with housing, or they may be able to let you know about local nonprofits that can help.

Photo credit Shutterstock.com

Julia Liu is the daughter of a Solo Mom and has a degree in professional communication. She is the mom to two sons. She has worked in early-childhood education and was the director of a nonprofit private preschool for many years. You can follow her on Twitter at @notaDNB1.

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