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The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry

Official website for the labor and employment laws of Virginia

Briefly summarizes the important points about the employment laws in Virginia

Virginia Department of Social Services

The TANF program provides eligible families with a monthly cash payment to meet their basic needs. Virginia's TANF program emphasize personal responsibility. Participants may be provided with services such as job skills training, work experience, job readiness training, child care assistance, transportation and other work related expenses.

Virginia Workforce Connection

Job board, education and training, resume builder, career information

West Virginia DIvision of Personnel

Official PDF highlighting the parental and family leave laws of West Virginia


Outlines the employment leave benefits of West Virgina

West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources

West Virginia's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program is WV WORKS. It is based on the goals of assisting economically dependent and at-risk families to become self supporting, enhancing the well-being of children, and on assisting families near the poverty level to remain self-sufficient. WV WORKS provides monthly cash assistance to eligible families. Most people who receive a monthly WV WORKS check also receive SNAP and Medicaid.

WorkForce West Virginia

1-800-252-JOBS (5627) ; TDD: 304-558-1549

Career services, job search, training and education

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