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Sister Bertha’s 100 Jobs for 100 Moms Program

(913) 461-5789

Pre-employment preparation, job hunting support, on the job mentoring, child care, support services for single moms

Goodwill Industries


Employment resources free to the public such as: computers and internet access for job searches, resume and cover letter writing assistance, career planning, access to area job listings, community resources and referrals to outside agencies. A career specialist is on-site daily to help with resume preparation, help prepare you for interviews, provide job leads, match employers with employees, and monitor your progress; Adult education courses

Christian Women’s Job Corps


Life skills and job readiness training, resume writing support, mock interviewing, job search support

Employment Law Handbook

Outlines the employment leave laws of Arkansas

Law for Change

Highlights the employment laws of Arkansas including those concerning employment leave

Arkansas Department of Human Resources

Among other great programs linked by the Arkansas Department of Human Resources, the Transitional Employment Assistance Program (TEA) offers monthly cash assistance and employment-related services are provided to parents, including job-readiness activities, transportation assistance, childcare assistance, and other supportive services so that the parent can engage in work or education and training activities. This website offers application forms in English and Spanish.

Arkansas Department of Workforce Services


TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) was created to help families stay together by empowering family leaders with job skills, resources, and assistance.

Kansas Department for Children and Families

1-888-369-4777 ; TTY: 1-785-296-1491

The Successful Families Program offers employment services and support services to low-income families. That support may include cash assistance.



Job seeker resources, including job fairs, training programs, and career planning

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