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Occupational skills training, job placement, and support services to people with various barriers to employment.

Department of Human Services: Benefit, Employment, and Support Services


Self-sufficiency plan, job preparation services, job search skills, training and education, monthly cash benefits

State of Hawaii Workforce Development Division

Free services to job seekers, including job search assistance, personal career planning services, training opportunities, HireNet Hawaii support, and a library resource center.

WorkWise Kauai

(808) 274-3056

If you're looking to find a job, a better job, or a whole new career path, WorkWise Kauai has the largest jobs database in the state and tools to help along the way. If you're looking to find a new employee, train your current ones, or find out about the latest regulations, the WorkWise Kauai One-Stop Job Center is the place to look first on Kauaʻi.

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