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The Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center

855-323-6744/Spanish: 503-931-8930

The Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC) provides information to families who are navigating the complex world of special health care needs. The Oregon F2F HIC is a network of parents who have firsthand experience raising a child or youth with a chronic health condition, developmental delay or disability, or emotional/behavioral challenges. Services include a toll-free number throughout Oregon that parents, caregivers and others can call for support, resources, and information regarding special needs. The Oregon F2F HIC also provides informational workshops, a monthly newsletter, and a website clearinghouse of federal and state programs related to special needs.

FACTOregon (Family & Community Together)

888-988-3228/(503) 786-6082

FACTOregon is a family leadership organization for individuals and their families experiencing disabilities, working collaboratively to facilitate positive change in policies, systems, and attitudes, through family support, advocacy, and partnerships. FACT strives to: Strengthen the voice of Oregon families raising children experiencing disability; Connect families to families; Provide and promote peer-delivered family support; Create opportunities for meaningful collaboration.

Alternative Services Oregon


Provides residential and vocational supports to children and adults with developmental disabilities.

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