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HUD New Mexico

Provides homeownership and foreclosure avoidance information

Housing New Mexico

(505) 843-6880

Provides homeownership assistance to first-time homeowners and low-income New Mexico families

Attorney General’s Homeownership Preservation Program

Resources and help regarding foreclosure avoidance in New Mexico

Keep Your Home New Mexico

(855) 664-6630

Foreclosure avoidance advice and assistance for New Mexico residents

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

(800) 283-4465

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, provides financial assistance to eligible people with low incomes and resources purchase food products. SNAP benefits are simple to use when purchasing food products at the grocery store.

Albuquerque Housing Authority

(505) 764-3920

Provides affordable housing to residents of the Albuquerque area

NM Works

(800) 283-4465

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, known in New Mexico as NMWorks, provides a monthly cash benefit to be used to meet basic family needs such as housing, utilities, and clothing costs.

Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico


Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico (CAASNM) serves  over 25,000 people annually in the five southwestern counties of NM.  We address the most challenging issues our communities face, fighting to improve the lives of low-income children, youth, adults, and families with programs that empower, build self-sufficiency, and connect to community resources.



ECHO Inc. (Economic Council Helping Others) offers several types of programs, serving thousands of individuals in San Juan County, New Mexico. Programs include: 1) Emergency Rent/Mortgage Financial Assistance Program 2) Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) 3) ECHO Food Bank

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