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HUD Mississippi

Provides resources regarding homeownership and foreclosure avoidance

MS Home Saver

(601) 718-4647

Provides mortgage assistance and foreclosure avoidance counseling

MS Mortgage Settlement

(866) 530-9572

Provides assistance for homeowners at risk of foreclosure

MHA Health Careers Center

(601) 982-3251

Information on careers in healthcare (e.g. educational requirements and resources, employer information), career assessment tools,

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the food stamp program, provides monthly benefits that help low income households buy the food they need for good health.

Mississippi Regional Housing Authority VI

(601) 373-7040

Provides affordable housing to residents of central Mississippi, including Jackson.

Mississippi Regional Housing Authority IV

(662) 327-4121

Provides housing assistance to residents of Carroll, Choctaw, Clay, Grenada, Lowndes, Montgomery, Oktibbeha, Webster, Winston counties.

Natchez WIN Job Center


WIN stands for Workforce Investment Network, which is an innovative strategy designed to provide convenient, one-stop employment and training services to employers and individuals searching for a job. Combining federal, state, and community workforce programs and services, WIN in Mississippi creates a system that is both convenient and user-friendly. The WIN Job Center and our employment experts are important resources that provide job placement assistance, job and skill training, priority services for veterans, career counseling and referral to many other valuable services.

Oxford WIN Job Center


WIN stands for Workforce Investment Network, which is an innovative strategy designed to provide convenient, one-stop employment and training services to employers and individuals searching for a job. Combining federal, state, and community workforce programs and services, WIN in Mississippi creates a system that is both convenient and user-friendly. The WIN Job Center and our employment experts are important resources that provide job placement assistance, job and skill training, priority services for veterans, career counseling and referral to many other valuable services.

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