Parenthood 911
(314) 720-1460
Support group for dealing with out-of-control children and adolescents who feel they have nowhere else to turn.
The Ozark Area Community Action Coalition
OACAC offers a variety of services for families, such as family planning, foster grandparents, Head Start, and housing programs, weatherization and energy assistance, and neighborhood centers that provide community projects and activities designed to eliminate the conditions of poverty and to help families in crisis. Emergency funds are available to be used for items such as food, clothing, prescriptions and more.
800-743-7634 phone (tty available)
This is an advocacy organization for parents with children who have special needs or disabilities. It offers training in special education and special education law, understanding the IEP process, and an IDEA boot camp that offers multi-session training. Its resources page is in Spanish, Hmong,and Somali.
Adolescent Mother Journal Program
The Adolescent Mother Journaling Program (AMJP) is an eight-session program to help young parents reduce stress through journaling and expressive art activities (drawing, scribbling, jewelry-making, photography, cartooning, etc.). The goal is to teach them strategies that can be used as alternatives to verbal and physical violence. Each session consists of a warm-up exercise, journaling, and optional sharing with the group; sponsored by the The Adolescent Mother Journaling Program (AMJP) is an eight-session program to help young parents reduce stress through journaling and expressive art activities (drawing, scribbling, jewelry-making, photography, cartooning, etc.). The goal is to teach them strategies that can be used as alternatives to verbal and physical violence. Each session consists of a warm-up exercise, journaling, and optional sharing with the group; sponsored by the Center on Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Parenting