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Search our 20 resource categories and browse our rich library of articles by moms who “get it.”

In Our Own Voices


Leadership training, advocacy, and social justice work on behalf of LGBTQ people of color and their communities. Services include support and social groups, trainings and workshops, and assistance with health, legal, and other issues.

The LGBT Network


An association of non-profit organizations working to serve Long Island's LGBT community throughout the lifespan. Promotes safe schools, safe spaces for all LGBTQ people, engages in public policy and advocacy, supports family building and health concerns.,

Empire State Pride Agenda

212-627-4136 (NYC) and 518-472-3330 (Albany)

This is a civil rights and advocacy group that advocates for a Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, health care equality and funding, child-parent security, among other issues. The organization also educates about transgender issues, the health and well-being of LGBTQ people, issues related to creating families, and laws that protect LGBT New Yorkers

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