LGBT Grant County
LGBTQ business listings, social calendar, information on gender identity, and a newsletter for the queer community.
New Mexico LGBTQ Resources: Gathering Everything That’s Gay in New Mexico
A clearinghouse for information on and discussion about the New Mexico LGBT community. Include a blog, a calendar, a community list, and news resources.
Equality New Mexico
This is an organization dedicated to educating, advocating, empowering, and convening for collective impact on behalf of LGBTQ people. The are engaged in actions to promote trans awareness and civil rights, political advocacy and leadership development, community wellness and quality of life, and making the voices of the underrepresented heard statewide.
Common Bond: Gay, Lesbian Bisexual, Transgender Community in New Mexico
Connected to the Common Bond New Mexico Foundation, this organization's mission is to strengthen and build the LGBTQ community in New Mexico. They have program called U21 for youth under 21, a community center, an emergency project with an information phone line, and more.