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Unity Mississippi

Unity Mississippi is a resource organization that seeks to serve as a catalyst for statewide education, interaction, entertainment, community growth, visibility and awareness on behalf of the state's LGBTQ population. The organization promotes tolerance and acceptance of sexual minorities, increases public awareness of minority-related concerns, health-related concerns (specifically HIV/AIDS and substance abuse) and works to bridge the gap between the heterosexual and LGBT communities of the State of Mississippi.

Equality Mississippi

This is a statewide organization that promotes social justice and the advancement of LGBTQ equality. It members are gay and straight from all walks of life.

The Dandelion Project


This organization seeks to empower LGBTQ people and to enlighten and educate the public on behalf of the LGBTQ community. Their "We Are Campaign" was created to challenge society's labels and perceptions of the LGBTQ+ community. They have a 24-hour helpline: 601-283-8090. They also sell t-shirts on their online shop.

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