EQME EqualityMaine
This organization works for full equality for LGBTQ people throughout the state of Maine. It engages in political action, community organizing, education, and collaboration. The organization advocates for trans equality, marriage equality, legislative priorities, rural organizations, adoption, non-discrimination, and youth. The webpage has sections for news, event, and resources.
MaineTransNet or Maine Transgender Network
This organization educates the public about gender identity, seeking to raise awareness about the varied forms of gender expression. It provides resources to the trans community of Maine as well as consultation, education and trainings to social service/mental health professionals and interested others. They also offer private consultation and support to trans individuals and the people in their lives.There are also information resources on the website for transgender individuals.
The Downeast Pride Alliance
207-772-3599 or toll free 800-772-5969
This is a casual business networking group open to LGBTQ business people and their allies. The web page describes the organization's mission, has a photo gallery, and a list of sponsors.
Gay Portland Maine
This website offers listings of "gay-owned," "gay-friendly," and "gay ok" businesses and services in Portland, ME