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Washington State Domestic Violence Hotlin


Provide crisis intervention and safety planning, as well as referrals to community programs across the state of Washington that provide services to those experiencing domestic violence

DC Rape Crisis Center


Provides individual therapy, classes, and support groups

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center’s (KCSARC’s)


24-Hour Resource Line, legal advocacy, trauma specific individual therapy for children, teens, and adults, as well as group therapy for adult survivors, Family Services Program, Dando Voz (Giving Voice)/Dando Voz en Español program geared to the Spanish speaking community

Life Wire


Domestic violence services: 24 hour help line,advocacy services, children and teen groups, counseling services, education and training, Latina outreach program, legal advocacy, women’s support groups, women’s support groups, shelter services (including hotel vouchers), transitional housing

House of Ruth

(202) 667-7001

Housing and services for 63 families and 109 single women; supportive services to 11 families housed in apartments throughout the city; developmental day care to 76 children and supportive services for their parents; and free counseling for more than 400 women a year who are dealing with or recovering from domestic violence.

DC Rape Crisis Center


24 hr crisis hotline, case management, counseling- both individual and group, community education, advocacy, legal asistance

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