Need support?

Search our 20 resource categories and browse our rich library of articles by moms who “get it.”

Divorce 360

Free anonymous support from the online community, find lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches in your area, checklist for the divorce process, glossary of divorce, mediation, and custody terms, videos on divorce topics, divorce, custody, and child support resources by state.

Women’s Law

This website provides information on state laws regarding divorce and custody, how to find a lawyer and other types of assistance, preparing for court, court forms, filing an appeal, laws pertaining to domestic violence, shelters, where to find help

Kidlutions: Solutions for Kids

Free toolbox for kids going through traumatizing experiences, such as parents' divorce, social development products for kids

Divorce Recovery Suite

Guide to state law statutes in both formal and easy-to-understand terms, chat room, do-it-yourself divorce guide, forms and articles pertaining to divorce, online learning center

My Therapy Couch

Divorce and separation community forum

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

(703) 838-9808

Therapist locator and family therapy resources

Divorce Town


Free navigational guide to divorce: "with money and sanity saving tips on how to avoid common, costly, and permanent mistakes on divorce."

Law Help by Pro Bono Net

Search tool for finding free legal aid programs and low-cost legal help by state

Legal Services Corporation (LSC)

(202) 295-1500

LSC helps victims of domestic violence by obtaining protective and restraining orders, helps parents obtain and keep custody of their children, assists family members in obtaining guardianship for children without parents, and other legal matters.

National Child Support Enforcement Agency


Web links to state child support enforcement agencies, general child support Q&A's, information on international child support enforcement

Find the Children

(310) 314-3213

Sometimes custody cases leave children vulnerable to the threat of child abduction. This website provides education, prevention, and recovery tools for parents of children who have been or are at-risk of being abducted by a family member.

Divorce Headquarters

Search tools for finding a divorce attorney or divorce mediator, resources on collaborative divorce, child custody and child support enforcement guide, financial tools

National Board for Certified Counselors


Find a certified counselor by state, specialty, and languages. Although the website is in English, you can search for a counselor who speaks a second language.

International Academy of Professional Collaborators


Information on how to resolve your legal disputes without judges, magistrates or court personnel making decisions for you. Provides you with specially trained collaborative lawyers, mental health, and financial professionals to educate, support and guide you in reaching balanced, respectful and lasting agreements

Children’s Rights Council (CRC)

Child support calculator, child support enforcement agencies by state, information on joint custody, example of a shared parenting agreement statement, information about tax considerations, courtroom tips

National Association of Counsel for Children

1-888-828-NACC (828-6222)

Attorney search by state and child law blog

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

(608) 664-3750

Preparing for a custody evaluation parenting plan guides, co-parenting communication guide, mediation guide, parenting coordination process, information on the family law court system

3 Step Divorce


Legitimate online divorce with addressing property, debt, children, and other relevant issues, online negotiation tool

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