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Massachusetts Senior Care Association


Advocacy, information and referrals, elder care quality

Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Executive Office of Elder Affairs


The information provided on this website is designed to assist elders and their families with answers to questions about services and opportunities available to seniors and their caregivers in Massachusetts.

The Family Caregiver Handbook: Finding Elder Care in Massachusetts


A "gateway" to key elder care organizations across the Commonwealth, providing telephone numbers, locations and website addresses so that caregivers can find the most appropriate resources closest to their own community.

Tri-Town SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)


The Tri-Town SEPAC provides education, support, and assistance to parents/guardians of children with special needs in Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield on Special Education issues and services. We strive to encourage an atmosphere of effective communication, understanding, mutual respect, and appropriate education for all children with disabilities in our community and to insure that students’ needs are being met under Massachusetts Special Education laws and regulations and other applicable laws.

Federation for Children with Special Needs

(617) 236-7210

The Federation for Children with Special Needs provides information, support, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities, their professional partners, and their communities. We are committed to listening to and learning from families, and encouraging full participation in community life by all people, especially those with disabilities.

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