
The Arc of the Three Rivers, Inc.

The Arc of the Three Rivers, Inc. is a behavioral health organization that serves children and adults with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). The Arc of The Three Rivers provides caregiver and residential services and case management.

Open Doors for Multicultural Families

The mission of Open Doors for Multicultural Families is to ensure that diverse families who have family members with developmental disabilities and special health care needs have equal access to culturally and linguistically appropriate information, resources, and services. We promote family services and culturally competent services through community collaboration, training and partnerships.

Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE)

A parent organization providing support, advocacy, training and informational resources to empower families and individuals with disabilities.

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center assists the families of children with disabilities through education, information, and training. They offer services and support for families and professionals, easy-to-understand, research-based information and training, opportunities for strategic partnerships and advocacy for systemic improvement

The Partnership for People with Disabilities

The Partnership for People with Disabilities works to build communities where all people can live, learn, work and play together and to equip family members, health care providers, preschool teachers, child care providers, and others serving who serve infants and young children and their families with the awareness, knowledge, and skills through technical assistance and training needed to make a difference in their lives.

The Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health

The Vermont Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health exists to support families and children where a child or youth, age 0-22, is experiencing or at risk to experience emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. They empower and advocate for children, and help navigate state and national resources.

Vermont Family Network

Vermont Family Network provides information, support, advocacy, and promotes family-centered policies and practices. They help families understand their children’s special needs and work with others, such as their schools to ensure the needs are met.

Utah Family Voices

Utah Family Voices is all about supporting families of the disabled, and is run by parents of special needs children. Utah Family Voices provides statewide assistance in a variety of ways to families of CYSHCN and their professional providers and partners, including information and education so families can make informed decisions and advocate effectively for the needs of their child and family.

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