
Eldercare Locator

A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting individuals to services for older adults and their families.

National College Transitions Network- College for Adults

Online resources for adults who are interested in returning to higher education- career planning and assessment, financial planning, applying to college, academic skills and additional resources

Kids Health

Tips to help middle schoolers succeed

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Advice for helping children connect to school

PBS Learning Media

Online video libary of educational content; catagorized by subject and by age/grade

International Children’s Digital Library

Online digital libary of children’s book that can be read directly from the computer; worldwide selection

Single Mom Guide

Online guide for single mothers- includes section on single parent friendly university and college programs and grants and scholarships geared toward parents;also includes childcare and other financial resources

Mapping Your Future

Mapping Your Future's collection of resources offers college preparation, school selection, and career exploration guidance, as well as information on the student loan process and responsibilities. Includes links to career exploration and a robust financial literacy education section

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