
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption

Adoption grants, free educational resources

The Office of Children’s Issues/Intercountry Adoption Bureau of Consular Affairs/U.S. Dept. of State

Maintains country specific information about intercountry adoption, issues adoption notices and adoption alerts to prospective adoptive parents, works with U.S. embassies and consulates, monitors complaints again Hague accredited adoption service providers

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Access to print and electronic publications, websites, databases and online learning tools for improving child welfare practice, including resources that can be shared with families.


Adoptive placement, education and support, communities for adoptees and their families

Single Mothers by Choice

Support, information, resources, local support groups, online discussion forum, single parenting (by choice) advice

Support and education for women who choose motherhood without a partner; facilitation of special events and activities for choice moms; discussion boards for choice mothers

Families for Private Adoption

Support and education for those seeking to adopt, adoption workshops, a buddy program,

National Council for Adoption

Training and education to families considering adoption

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