
The Child Advocate

National resource bank for advocate groups for children with disabilities.

Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers

Parent Centers – Parent Training and Information Centers and Community Parent Resource Centers – provide training and assistance to the families of the nation’s seven million children with disabilities. They are funded through the U.S. Department of Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Every state has at least one Parent Center, and those with large populations may have more.

Child Care Aware of America

National Childcare Advocacy group with information about finding and selecting childcare and with a group for parents seeking childcare

Easter Seals Maine

Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Financial assistance, grants, rental assistance, parenting and dating advice

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Remembrance photography

Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth

Advocacy and education about premature and still births

International Stillbirth Alliance

Support and resources

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