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Parent Partners


Parent Partners is a non-profit, parent-to-parent, mentoring program. Through weekly mentoring, volunteers share their parenting and life experience with young families in need of support throughout Newport County, Rhode Island. Mentors take a practical approach to working on obstacles and goals of each family incorporating a wide range of issues such as school enrollment, parenting issues, and cooking lessons.

Single Parents of the Triangle

Social and Networking group for single parents in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area of North Carolina

First Parent Center For Families of Persons with Disabilities


FIRST provides persons with disabilities and their families with programs and advocacy to support and foster healthy, inclusive and self-determined lives. They train families to become effective self-advocates through education and advocacy. They provide information, guidance, and unique support to families of children with disabilities as they access services from the wide array of public and private resources and services. They are focused on the whole family and they also support individuals with disabilities to determine their lives in areas of education, employment, housing, and recreation.

Charlotte Parent


This is the web companion to a magazine that covers community events, lifestyle stories, issues related to pregnancy, babies and toddler, preschoolers, big kids, and tweens/teens. The website has a directory of resources.

North Dakota State University


This is an extension service serving Ward County. Its Parenting Resource Center offers variety of parenting classes and offers "Take & Learn" or "Topic Bags" for preschool, middle school, teens (where appropriate) parents, caregivers, counselors, service providers, and teachers. The bags cover such topics as ADD/ADHD, Anger in Children, Divorce, and Toilet Training.

Child Saving Institute


This organization offers services related to therapy, early childhood education, foster care, adoption, and pregnancy. It also provides emergency shelter and support for children during family crises. Their KidSquad program collaborates with teachers, providers, and families to support children in becoming successful in their early care environments and classrooms, thus reducing the risk of expulsion.

Omaha Family Magazine

This is the web companion to a magazine by the same name. It offers all the articles from the print publication covering events and subjects of interest to parents and families, plus travel and recipes sections, a baby fair section, blogs, and directories.

Single and Parenting

(402) 496-7833

Structures single parent support group; childcare included; no cost

Clark County Nevada Family Services: Services


This agency offers free parenting classes including baby care, nurturing parents and families, ABCs of parenting, ParenTeen solutions, and blended families.

The Children’s Cabinet


The Children’s Cabinet provides services and resources that address unmet needs through cooperation between the private sector and public agencies in Nevada. The Children’s Cabinet provides a wide range of crisis intervention services, including Safe Place, a service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for youth experiencing violence, abuse or exploitation. Programs also include runaway and homeless youth services, substance abuse and gang intervention programming, work experience training, and independent living for former foster care youth. Family Programs includes information about case management, family counseling, food pantries, and additional resources.

Children Unlimited, Inc.


Children Unlimited provides family-centered early supports and services for ages 0-3, an inclusive preschool program for children ages 3-6, a children's academy for ages 5-8, and childcare for ages 0-6. Among its other resources is a Family Connections Resource Center for families with children from birth to age 18 that meets with families in their homes to come up with and implement an action plan to achieve success.

The Family Resource Center


The Family Resource Center (FRC) is a non-profit organization that provides families struggling with dysfunction, financial resource needs and/or troubled family dynamics with support services for a safer, more stable and healthier family dynamic. It also offers parenting support and workshops, early childhood development programs, and free tax preparation to moderate income families. Their after-school program for grades K-8 in Berlin and Gorham provide homework assistance.

East Trenton Collaborative: One Community, One Direction, One Spirit


This collaborative offers a page of prenatal care and maternal health resources as well as connections to organizations concerned with children. The collaborative also offers a variety of other resources, some of which target youth training and education and job training for youth.

Holistic Parents of Hudson County

A resource for parents interested in social and health connections, meeting with like-minded parents and fellow community members, nourishing and expanding their parenting options, and continuing their personal growth. Their page offers discussion opportunities and opportunities to view photos.

Parents without Partners


Support groups for single parents

Santa Fe Children

This organization offers a wealth of information about indoor/outdoor fun, day trips, local events, schools, after-school and summer programs, clubs and organizations, sports and fitness, art and music, kid-friendly restaurants, and more. One can also find information on childcare and physicians among other services. They also have a Facebook page.

Parents Reaching Out

505-247-0192 or 1800-524-5176

This is a non-profit organization that works with parents, caregivers, educators, and other professionals to promote healthy, positive and caring experiences for families and children. They provide individual, case-by-case support for families. They train parents and connect families to resources they need. They are also concerned about early childhood issues, health issues, and literacy.



Parents can find where-to guides, and information on camps, sports, education, health, and special needs among other topics. Classes for children in academic enrichment, art, cooking and other topics cane found here. Region-specific links to area boroughs are also provided.

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