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Search our 20 resource categories and browse our rich library of articles by moms who “get it.”

The Academy of Northern Kentucky Collaborative Professionals

Financial and legal counsel

Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project

(207) 774-4348

Community volunteer lawyers donate services

Otter Creek Associates

(802) 865-3450

Counseling services for children, families, and adults

Montana Legal Services Association

Application for legal services; brochures; informational videos; guide to Native American Law

Legal Aid of Nebraska

Application for legal services; How to represent yourself; Automated court forms

Nevada Legal Help

Overview of requirements for filing a divorce, laws pertaining to child support and custody, search tool for finding legal help by region

New Hampshire Legal Aid

Legal advice and referral center, legal assistance, legal clinics, legal help finder, overview of laws and the divorce process, resources for child support and children's rights

LSNJLAW: Legal Services of New Jersey

(888) 576-5529

Legal aid for economically disadvantaged people; overview of laws pertaining to divorce, custody, and child support

Law Help New Mexico

Free legal clinics, free forms, overview of laws

New Mexico Legal Aid

Apply for legal services, legal clinics

Law Help NY

General information on divorce, legal help resources, and forms for divorce, child support, child custody, and parenting time (visitation)

Family Kind

(646) 580-4735

Classes and workshops to help children, parents, and couples cope with separation and divorce; mediation and parent coordination services; video

Law Help NC

Online legal forms, Helpful resources related to divorce, child custody, visitation, and child support; additional topics

Legal Aid of North Carolina

1-866-219-LANC (5262)

Free legal services to low-income people, Guide to legal aid, Lawyer referral service, Self-help information, child custody and visitation resources

Legal Services of North Dakota

Under age 60 call toll-free 1-800-634-5263; Age 60+ call toll-free 1-866-621-9886

Legal assistance to low income residents of North Dakota

Self Represented Divorce Forms

Self represented divorce forms with instructions

Ohio Legal Services

1.866.LAW.OHIO (1.866.529.6446); For the hearing impaired: Use this site to find the local Ohio legal aid provider in your area. Then, call the Ohio Relay Service at 1-800-750-0750

Legal help for low income Ohioans, Forms, and additional resources on divorce, child custody, child support

Legal Aid OK

Free legal information, frequently asked questions, links to web sites, and court forms for family law matters, including divorce, child support, and custody and visitation

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