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Search our 20 resource categories and browse our rich library of articles by moms who “get it.”

Akeela, Inc.

Offers a comprehensive array of services for the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, and alcohol abuse

Logan Community Services

(405) 282-5524

Works to empower the people of Logan County through advocacy, education, treatment and resource development provided in an accessible, safe, caring and stable environment.

Southern Idaho Region Narcotics Anonymous

A nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. They are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean

Alcoholics Anonymous Tuscon Intergroup

AA Meetings and general info

Addiction Recovery Consulting Services (ARCS)


Interventionists and addiction consulting

Denver CARES

A 100-bed, non-medical, clinically managed treatment facility, whose mission provide a safe detoxification for public inebriates, and to provide assessment, education, motivational counseling, and residential treatment.

Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD)

A community mental health care organization that provides comprehensive, recovery- focused services

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